The Three Best Books On BitCoin

Best Books About BitCoin

Benjamin Franklin said it best, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Oftentimes, you’ll discover priceless wisdom tucked inside a $12 paperback. Because of this, today’s article is all about the best books for understanding BitCoin and Crypto Currency.

Each of these titles will help you understand how BitCoin works, why it’s a revolutionary development, and how to properly invest in it.

If you’re completely new to the world of Crypto Currencies, give these a read before doing anything else.

And, if you are a seasoned investor, each of these books can still help illuminate the more difficult and technical aspects of BitCoin. Helping to boost your overall understanding, and giving you additional insights for future trades.

Here’s the list:

1. The Internet Of Money (Part One & Two)

The Internet Of Money Review

This is actually a set of books split into two volumes. And I’ll recommend both as essential reading.

Authored by the respected Andreas M. Antonopoulos, The Internet Of Money explains both the “how” and “why” behind Crypto Currencies.

You’ll discover how BitCoin works on a technical level, and why it appeals to so many people on a philosophical and cultural level too. Andreas also explores Crypto’s potential, showing ways in which it can influence society on a financial, political, and social level.

Both volumes are easy reads yet incredibly fascinating.

If you’re looking for a thorough explanation as to why BitCoin is exploding in popularity, read these books.

2. Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money

Digital Gold

This is an entertaining read, written in the style of a Michael Lewis book.

Digital Gold is a thrilling read about Crypto Currencies and the people backing them. The book profiles numerous investors, ranging from the Winklevoss twins to an eccentric Argentinian millionaire.

The book does a nice job mixing fun into its technological and economic explanations, and I think this is a good read for anyone just starting out.

Also, if you have any friends or family who are curious about BitCoin, this makes for a nice gift.

It explains the subject without getting bogged down in technical jargon.

3. Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond

Cryptoassets - Best BitCoin Books

This is the most technical book on the list (but don’t worry, it’s still easily understandable), and the most important title for investors.

Cryptoassets covers a wide variety of different currencies including Monero, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.

Each section provides actionable advice for investing in Crypto and Tokens.

You’ll learn how to assess various coins, how to build a portfolio which maximizes your returns, how to understand (and avoid) issues like pump and dumps or bubbles, plus a ton of useful tips on mundane yet important details like selecting a BitCoin wallet or finding the best exchange.

Personally, I love this book.

It’s a very “nuts and bolts” how-to style read. If you’re curious about investing, and want quality information from a knowledgeable source, this is the perfect title.

Cryptoassets shows you exactly how to make money in this new and exciting market.

Give it a read, it’s great.

Final Thoughts On Books About BitCoin

Good books will completely change the way you see something.

And for many, Crypto Currency is just “Some sort of weird Internet money.” As such, they completely dismiss it (missing huge opportunities) or buy the wrong coins at the wrong time.

Reading the books on this list gives you a first class look into the true nature (and potential) for BitCoin.

These titles clear up common misconceptions, reveal important insights, and show you where Crypto is potentially heading in the future.

I’d highly recommend picking up at least one of these (The Internet Of Money is a good start) and reading it cover to cover.

You’ll be glad you did.

P.S. Are you new to BitCoin and looking for a safe, reliable way to purchase Crypto Currencies?

Try CoinBase. This is the largest, most trusted Crypto exchange, and you’ll get $10 in free BitCoin by signing up through this link.