About Page


My name is Robert Koch. And I invest in BitCoin.

Back in the summer of 2017, I bought my first $250 of crypto. That was when BitCoin sold for less than $4,000 a piece.

Now, my goal is simple. Grind my way to owning five coins.


By capitalizing off uncertain times. Investing during dips, selling high, and then rolling over the profits.

Why five coins?

Because selling and re-buying them at a $3,000 margin will net $15,000 in profits. Do this six times a year and you’re making good money.

Anyway, that’s my goal.

More importantly, here’s how you can benefit.

Reading this site will show you my investment strategies, teach you about BitCoin (plus other cryptocurrencies), and explain how to buy (and profit) from a wide assortment of market situations.

All this information is 100% free, and I think we’ll have a great time making money together.

Enjoy the site!

– Robert Koch