Why I Don’t Watch The News (And You Shouldn’t Either)

Do Not Watch The News

Turn on any TV channel and it’s WW3 this week. The USA and Iran are minutes away from nuclear bombing each other into oblivion. Oil prices will spiral out of control (should have invested in USO last year). Stocks will plunge (should have sold off December 31st). And you are doomed. Sadly, most people who watch the news actually believe this.

But here’s the thing: Every year there’s at least one end of the world disaster. Ebola, terrorists, killer bees, Y2K, ISIS, Trump, Syria, racial tensions, North Korea, etc…

Now of these apocalyptic events ever happen.

If you want to protect your sanity (and investments) do yourself a favor and do not watch the news. The programs on CNN or Fox will only leave you upset or worried.

You Are What You Consume

Have you ever met someone who was completely negative all the time? A person who always claims that America is ruined, or that society is collapsing? I’ll bet you that most of their time is spent consuming fear inducing content. They probably read perma-bear or goldbug websites, watch fear mongers online, or hang out in doomsday type social media cliques.

I’ll also bet that these people have stagnate lives. Or, even worse, that their quality of living continually declines.

Likewise, you probably know plenty of upbeat, positive people. Folks who exercise, start businesses, take calculated investment risks, and are always making great progress in life. I’d bet anything that these people do not watch the news all day or sit on apocalyptic websites. They’re busy reading good books, developing new skills, and enjoying life to the fullest.

It’s no coincidence that successful people look to the future with hope, while unsuccessful people are constantly paralyzed with fear.

Whenever You Want To Watch The News, Do This Instead…

Learning about Iranian dictatorships or government conspiracies won’t improve your life. If anything, it will hurt you. There are countless people swapping their stocks for fear of an economic crash now, and others are hurting their bodies through the effects of stress.

Anytime you want to watch the news, ask yourself if there’s something more productive to do.

Can you work on that side business? Go for a walk? Read a book? Watch interviews with successful people?

These are all superior alternatives and you’ll actually gain something valuable from doing them. Your life will improve drastically once you ditch the negativity and focus on good, productive habits.