Snowball Effect (The Secret To Massive Crypto Returns)

BitCoin Snowball Effect

Have you ever heard of the snowball effect?

Investors use it to describe the power of compounding assets. And, it’s a tactic market wizards use to supercharge their wealth.

To borrow an example from Tony Robbins’ awesome book, MONEY – Master The Game:

Imagine playing a round of golf in which you wager an initial $0.10. The catch? This bet doubles with each successive hole.

On the first hole you win $0.10.

The next hole wins you $0.20.

And the third one nets you a cool $0.40.

You get the idea.

By the ninth hole (halfway through the game) you’re playing for $25.60.

At the fourteenth hole, there’s $819.20 at stake.

And by the final hole, you’re betting $13,107. All due to the power of compounding.

To put it another way, consistently doubling your money on an annual basis lets you turn $0.10 into $13,107 within just 18 years.

Now this is great, but no investment can keep that type of growth up for years on end.

Even BitCoin, which saw a [INSERT] rise in value last year is struggling now.

But, that’s okay.

Because in this article, I’ll explain how you can take advantage of this turbulent market and still turn a profit through the power of compounding returns.


1. “When There’s Blood In The Streets…”

Great investors like Peter Lynch and Warren Buffett love downturns.


Because they’re able to buy up quality assets at a discount price.

When a bear market reduces Coca-Cola stock by 20%, the company itself hasn’t changed. It’s still running the same and making smart decisions. As such, you’re able to buy a great asset at bargain prices.

This is true of BitCoin too.

Crypto continues to advance and evolve.

New projects like “The Lightning Network” let you send payments faster and with fewer fees.

Likewise, more and more companies are beginning to adopt Crypto Currencies as a form of payment. Plus banks are taking an interest in it too.

If anything, Bitcoin’s exposure and utility continues to improve.

Yet the current price is in a slump.

This is a great sign that BitCoin is undervalued.

And, there’s a high chance that Crypto Currencies will power through these turbulent times and rocket towards new all-new heights.

Some experts (like hedge fund managerĀ Michael Novagratz, and Internet pioneer Marc Andreessen) believeĀ BitCoin will reach $25,000 to $100,000 in value.

Not bad, especially since whole coins are selling for under $8,000 right now.

This market is a perfect opportunity for buying BitCoin (whether you’re planning to hold or flip it). Everything’s cheap enough that you’ll turn a profit at the slightest recovery.

Once BitCoin bounces back (like it always does) from under $8,000 to the $9,000 range, you’re experiencing a 20% gain.

2. “Know When To Hold ‘Em, Know When To Fold ‘Em”

BitCoin Price By The Hour - Snowball Effect

(BitCoin’s Price Fluctuation In The Past Hour)

Most people can’t weather a financial storm.

Watching your assets fluctuate wildly is a scary experience. And stressful too. That’s why (unlike the HODL crowd) I recommend selling off once you’ve made a comfortable profit.

When BitCoin reached $11,000 in late 2017, people called me crazy for selling. But I didn’t care.

My Cryptos were up 400%. That’s massive growth, and (I reasoned) there was no need to get greedy. Turns out this was a smart idea.


Because BitCoin peaked shortly afterwards, crashing down lower than what I’d sold for.

My suggestion is to sell off once you’ve reached a certain level of gains.

Maybe 10%, 20%, or even more. It’s up to you. However, doing this let’s you capitalize off the highs, without getting dragged down into demoralizing lows.

Instead, you’re following the timeless advice of buying low and selling high.

A successful strategy for millions of investors throughout history.

3. Reinvest Your Profits

You know you buy the dips and sell during peaks. But, here’s the key tactic which multiplies your Crypto holdings through the power of snowball effect.


You reinvest all your profits.

Here’s how it works.

Let’s say you start out with $100 worth of BitCoin.

Your assets increase by 20% and you sell.

Now, you’ve got $120 worth of Crypto, and you bug another dip.

This time the value goes up another 20%.

You’re now holding $144 worth of BitCoin, thanks to the power of reinvesting your gains.

Had you simply bought another $100 worth, you’d only make $20 profit. By reinvesting, you’re getting an extra $4 on top of that.

This doesn’t sound like much, but now imagine the same scenario with a $1,000 (or even $10,000) investment.

Your compounding returns really start adding up then.

Reinvesting your earnings is a great way to supercharge your BitCoin growth. It’s also a perfect opportunity for capitalizing off volatile markets.

BitCoin is currently experiencing so many peaks and valleys that you’ve got tons of chances for buying low, selling high, and then compounding your gains.

If you’re trying to profit off Crypto Currency, then you need to use this strategy.

It’s insanely effective and will help you immensely.

P.S. Looking to cash in on this excellent opportunity? Try using CoinBase. When you sign up through this link, you’ll receive a free $10 in BitCoin.