Why A BitCoin Crash Will Happen This December (And How To Profit)

BitCoin Crash December

There’s another BitCoin crash right around the corner. A big one. And one that’s completely predictable.

In December of 2018, BitCoin prices will fall.

Here’s Why.

The Great December Sell-Off

In the world of investment, December is always a weird month. Historically speaking, many big firms sell their underpreforming assets at a loss.


Because it lets them write these off on their taxes.

This, in turn, drives stock prices down.

In 2018, the same thing will happen with Crypto. Many hedge funds and big firms have already announced their plans for a sell-off. And, when it happens, prices will tank.

Is The BitCoin Crash Permanent?

This sell-off could easily lower BitCoin to the $1,000 – $2,000 range.

People will see prices fall, and they’ll panic sell too. Then social media or news outlets will run “The Death Of BitCoin” articles, furthering the crisis.

Will the BitCoin crash be permanent?

I don’t know, but I do know that it provides a great, low-risk opportunity for a once in a lifetime fire sale.

One that I’m personally going to partake in.

Allow me to explain.

Here’s How To Profit

Unlike stocks or money (where you can just print more) BitCoin is finite. That means there’s a fixed amount and it will never increase.

In total, there are 17,402,612 BitCoins. And there are over 7.5 billion people on planet Earth.

This means there’s approximately 0.002 BTC per person.

If BitCoin drops to $1,000 a coin, you can literally buy this much for a mere $2. That’s an incredibly low-risk invesment.

Personally, I wouldn’t settle for just $2 worth.

Instead, I’m buying an extra $100 through CoinBase.

Doing so ensures you own 50 times your personal BitCoin limit. Best of all, it’s still an inexpensive investment. And one with potentially massive long-term gains.

My suggestion is this: Wait for prices to fall in December, buy the dip, then hold your investment for at least a year.

By 2020, the BotCoin crash will be over. Prices will recover and you’ll come out ahead.

Treat yourself to the gift of BitCoin this Christmas. The upside is enormous.

P.S. If you’re a new BitCoin investor, I suggest buying your Crypto through CoinBase. It’s the most popular BitCoin exchange and the easiest to use.

Plus, you’ll get a free $10 in BitCoin when you sign up through this referral link.