Top 3 Dividend Paying Crypto Coins

Top 3 Dividend Paying Crypto Coins

Are you looking to earn passive income off your Crypto investment? If so, you’ll love today’s article. In it, we’ll look at the top three dividend paying coins.

These pay you an annual return just for owning them.

This is something traditional stocks do.

And (in the American stock market) dividend paying stocks historically outperform the S&P 500.

It’s a great way to profit off your assets.

As John D. Rockefeller once said:

Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.

In other words, you’re putting your money to work and getting paid as your holdings go up in value.

A perfect situation.

And to help you capitalize off this opportunity, here’s a list the top 3 dividend paying Crypto Coins worth investing in:

1. Vechain

Here’s a coin that’s set to blow up on the market.

VeChain is used in China to help prevent counterfeiting of luxury goods.

The coin tracks products from Europe and into China, ensuring that clothes and other goods aren’t swapped out and replaced with knock-offs before reaching customers.

Fashion and high-end items (like expensive wines, Rolex watches, and exotic foods) are all big in Asia.

Unfortunately, counterfeiting is also a huge problem.

Customers think they’re buying a $10,000 watch, when they’re actually receiving a $300 fake.

Luckily, VeChain fixes this.

The coin collects data on food, clothing, and pharmaceuticals to ensure that customers are getting the correct (and safe products). And, if there are any mishaps, VeChain makes it easy to pinpoint where the problem occurred.

This information is then run through VeChain nodes, which transfer the data to their designated parties.

By owning VeChain and staking your coins to a node, you’re paid on a daily basis.

How much and in what?

A VeChain dividend doesn’t pay in fiat money. Instead, you earn another currency called Thor. This converts into BitCoin, allowing you cash out in USD or Euros (if you wish).

The standard dividend payment is 0.00042 THOR per VET each day.

That’s not a lot, but there is a silver lining.

VeChain is (currently) cheap.

Each coin costs roughly $3.00, letting you buy 33+ for about $100.

That translates to 0.01386 THOR per day. Not a bad income, especially considering the fact that many traditional stocks pay less than this (one share of Coca Cola generates less than $0.003 per day in dividends). On top of all this, VeChain is growing in popularity. This means that it’s easier to buy than other coins, and could skyrocket in value once it gains enough traction.

If you’re interested in VeChain, it’s simple to invest in. Just purchase your coins through They’re easy to work with (even accepting fiat payments) and will complete your order within minutes.

It’s great, stress free way to purchase alt coins. And, if you’re a new investor VeChain is a great opportunity.

Give it a look.

2. BitCoin Green

This is a neat little coin with a good cause. Plus, it’s shaping up to pay insanely high dividends.

BitCoin Green aims to curb many environmental issues caused by traditional Crypto Currencies. It’s energy efficient, built with cutting edge technology, and requires no specialized tools for mining.

This means you can harvest it from any laptop or PC.

It’s better for the environment than many of the bigger coins, which require huge mining operations and millions of watts in electricity.

On top of this, owning BitCoin Green can be quite profitable too. Here’s why. Once you own this coin, you’re able to stake it at a node. This helps accelerate transactions across the currency’s network, while also rewarding you.

According to current projections, BitCoin Green will pay up to 18% in annual dividends.

This means that you’ll earn $18 for every $100 you invest.

A massive return (most traditional stocks only pay 1% – 3%) and great for growing your earnings.

Especially since dividends keep pouring in as long as you’re staking your coins.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of this offer, invest through Cryptopia. They offer BitCoin Green at a great price and are one of the few exchanges which currently trade it (meaning that you’re getting in on the deal before it explodes in popularity).

Anyway, be sure to check it out.

3. Skycoin

This is another interesting coin with a unique function and big potential.

Internet censorship is becoming a huge issue. YouTube deletes whole channels based on “inappropriate” content (often shuttering innocent accounts), and search engines blacklist sites based on personal disagreement (Google completely de-indexed the popular forum 8Chan, as one example).

It’s a huge problem and something that’s only getting worse.

Fortunately there is hope.

Skycoin offers an alternative, promising decentralized Internet. This means no censorship, and no digital monopolies controlling what can (and can’t) be seen.

It’s a great idea, and one that’s becoming more and more needed.

This system is powered by Skycoin nodes, and staking your coins generates a steady stream of passive income. Incentivizing users to help power the project.

Here’s how it works.

Your Skycoin earns Sky Hours. These are generated at a rate of one per coin, with payouts coming every 60 minutes.

Own 100 Skycoins and stake them all day, and you’ve just earned 2,400 Sky Hours.

Not bad.

Sky Hours can be used to buy time on the decentralized Internet platform, or traded for other Crypto Currencies.

Given the high dividend rate, this could be an excellent method for new Crypto investors to continually generate more and more capital. Using their Sky Hour payments to buy up other promising alt coins.

Like BitCoin Green, Skycoin is available on Cryptopia.

It’s relatively inexpensive, making it a great low-risk investment with tons of potential.

Closing Thoughts On Dividend Paying Crypto Currencies

Dividend Paying Crypto Coins

(Billionaire Kevin O’Leary On The Power Of Dividends)

Dividends are a great way to collect extra money off your assets. And with Crypto growth temporarily lagging, this is a nice way to make extra cash.

If you’re looking to profit off your holdings without relying on a bull market or massive gains, these coins are a great alternative.

They’ll generate passive income as long as you’re holding them.

P.S. Interested in finding more unique and profitable alt coins? Then check out both Cryptopia and You’ll discover hundreds of Coins, many of which have major potential to blow up in terms of popularity and profits.