The Safest Investments Of 2019

The Safest Investments 2019

BitCoin is crashing! Stocks are at a dangerous all-time high! Bonds yield nothing! Open up any financial website and you’re greeted with nothing but doom and gloom. Because of this, I want to focus on something more positive. In today’s article we’ll discuss the safest investments you can make. These have zero downside, while offering an incredible return on investment.

Best of all, each of these is incredibly low-cost. This allows you to get involved as soon as possible.

Anyway, here’s the list:

1. An Indoor Tomato Plant

Fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and chickens are the original “passive investments.” They produce food as long as you take care of them.

While there are many food sources which do this (apple trees and potatoes immediately come to mind) I personally prefer growing tomato plants. Why? Because they’re easy to raise and you can keep them indoors.

A flower pot, seeds, some fertilizer, and water will have you enjoying delicious organic tomatoes in no time at all.

It’s fun to grow plants and they provide wonderful nutrition.

2. Doing A Home Workout

It’s amazing what some push-ups, bodyweight squats, and sit-ups will do.

Establishing a home workout routine (and sticking to it) will have you looking, and felling, better within a few weeks.

No matter how bad my day goes, or what type of mood I’m in, a nice home workout always leaves me feeling like everything will be okay. It’s truly one of the safest investments around.

Lastly, some people think you need expensive home exercise equipment or elaborate workout programs.

If you’re completely new to physical fitness, invest a couple bucks into You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises and follow the author’s advice. It’ll do wonders for your body and mind.

3. Spending More Time With Family And Friends

“An hour with family is time well spent.” This is good advice to live by, and it’s worth surrounding yourself with people who care about you.

Make it a point to call your Mom or send a postcard to your grandparents.

It’ll brighten their whole week.

Closing Thoughts On The Safest Investments Of 2019

No one knows what the economy is going to do in the next two months, or two years. And while growing your funds is important, there’s more to wealth than just money.

If you’re worried about what to focus on, try to start by making some of the safest investments possible.

Take care of your health, eat well, and spend more time with your family.

Doing this is sure to have a positive return.

P.S. While today’s article was less about traditional investing, feel free to check out this complete guide to bonds, or this dividend index fund explanation if you’re looking for more classic wealth acceleration advice.