Naval Ravikant Investing Advice

Naval Ravikant Investing Advice

Naval Ravikant is a multimillionaire, entrepreneur, and investor. He funds start-ups, tech companies, and major innovators.

When it comes to investing, Naval Ravikant is virtually unmatched.

I recently heard Naval on a podcast where he was asked a very important question: “If you could only buy one asset, what would it be?”

His answer?


Today’s article looks at the reasons for this and why so many people believe crypto is the future. If you’re curious about digital currencies, buckle up. Things are about to get interesting.

Naval Ravikant On BitCoin (And Why It Matters)

Naval has advocated BitCoin for years. And he’s been promoting it long before crypto became cool or mainstream.

Here’s a 2015 video of Naval explaining BitCoin’s importance:

In case you didn’t watch the video here, I’ll summarize why Naval Ravikant is bullish on BitCoin. And, I’ll explain why his opinion matters.

First off, Naval notes that BitCoin is borderless. Traveling with $10,000 in cash or gold causes trouble (some custom agents will hassle you about it). Meanwhile you can easily transport the same amount in BitCoin without any trouble.

Another point is that crypto is essentially a giant database. This is a little tough to explain, but you can use the BitCoin block chain to publish information that can never be revoked. This means that you can use the technology to spread information. Corporations can use it to create iron-clad contracts between one another, whistle blowers (like WikiLeaks) can share controversial materials, and regular people can use it to run websites or forums.

Lastly, and this is what most people are interested in, Naval believes that BitCoin will be the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.

In other words, BitCoin will create a whole new class of millionaires and billionaires.

Now, you might be wondering why Naval Ravikant is an authority on this. Or what makes his opinion matter. That’s a great question. Naval is a venture capitalist and angel investor. In other words, it’s his job to look towards the future and find “the next big thing.”

These type of investors are the people who funded Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft long before they ever became household names or publicly traded stocks.

They’re looking into the far future, finding investments with long-term staying power.

Is BitCoin The Future?

I’m a hobby investor, not a fortune teller. I can’t tell you whether or not crypto will become the dominant asset class.

That said, a lot of very smart people and very successful institutions are backing BitCoin.

If nothing else, you should buy a small amount of crypto currency and hold it forever. Even budget investors would do well to pick up $100 – $200 worth and keep it for the next decade or so.

It’s a low-risk investment with potentially huge payoff.

How To Invest

If you’re brand new to buying crypto currencies, I suggest getting started with Coinbase. This is the largest, most popular exchange in the world and they offer all the most popular assets.

Additionally, you’ll get a free $10 in BitCoin when you sign up and make your first deposit through this referral link.

That’s an instant 10% return on investment.

After this, sit tight and hold your BitCoin long-term.