Live Like A Billionaire (Your Three Best Investments)

Live Like A Billionaire

Have you ever read an article or watched a YouTube video about extreme frugality? One where people walked 45 minutes across town to save $3 on gas or cut their own hair to save $100 per year. The idea is that cutting costs lets you pocket more money, which you can then reinvest for an early retirement. Not a bad plan, but is it really worth sacrificing decades of life in the hopes of saving a few thousand dollars? I don’t think so. And in today’s article, you’ll learn how to live like a billionaire, without breaking the bank.

You’ll discover three easy investments which greatly improve your quality of life, often providing better returns than any stock or Crypto Coin.

Here we go…

1. Financial Peace Of Mind (It Costs Less Than You Think)

According to a 2016 survey, over 69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings account. This means one setback (a broken leg, car trouble, etc) will financially ruin them.

Living like this is needlessly stressful.

Do yourself a favor and buy financial peace of mind. It costs less than you think.

I recommend opening a CIT high interest savings account and keeping $5,000 in it at all times. This will generate a nice bit of annual interest, and it’ll keep you financially insulated from most hardships.

Creating a rainy day fund like this is the perfect way to protect you and your family.

2. Live Like A Billionaire By Investing In Your Health

Health is more important than wealth. Nobody would trade places with a terminally ill billionaire just because that person has more money.

Because of this, it’s important to invest in your health.

This doesn’t mean being a massive fitness buff or professional bodybuilder, but you should be physically fit to some degree. Likewise, it’s important to eat healthy foods maintain a good diet.

Invest In Your Health

(Buy An Ab Wheel And Use It Daily, You’ll Feel Like A Million Bucks When You Go To The Beach)

Personally, I suggest investing in the following: a vegetable juice juicer (here’s an excellent one from Hamilton Beach) and some home gym equipment. I have an ab wheel, jump rope, and perfect push-up set. Using each of those on a daily basis provides quite the workout and keeps your body active.

3. Enjoy A Priceless Night’s Sleep

You spend a third of your life sleeping. So why not invest in quality bed sheets and a nice mattress?

These will greatly improve your quality of sleep, leaving you well rested and better prepared for the following day. In terms of “luxury purchases” I can’t think of anything else that even compares to the comfortable of new bedding.

Personally, I bought myself a weighted gravity blanket for Christmas, and I sleep like a baby now.

This is a terrific investment, and one I encourage you to make.

Final Thoughts

You can live like a billionaire today. All you need to do is identify high rate of return investments, and act on them.

These don’t have to be stocks or real estate either. They can be personal purchases too. Ones which improve your quality of life, boost your health, and eliminate worry. By making these strategic investments, you’re immediately able enjoy yourself to the fullest.

P.S. In order of importance, I suggest building your emergency fund first. Then, focus on your health and sleep after this.