How To Print Money

How To Print Money

What if I told you there was a way to print money on demand? A system for making as much as you wanted, without relying on an hourly wage.

You’d probably think I’m crazy.

But I’m not. In fact, I’ve been using this system to develop a steady stream of extra income for the past several months. And in today’s article, I’ll explain how you can do the same. Mainly, through the magic of selling things online.

1. Harness The Power Of The Internet

If you want to make money, do it online.

40 years ago you had to buy physical property, build expensive prototype products, and pay for dozens of secondary services… Just to get your business up and running.

Today you can join an affiliate program (for free), open a social media account (free again) and instantly reach millions of potential customers. Business is now a lot easier than it once was.

If you want to start earning more, I suggest turning to the Internet.

2. Create A One-Time Product You Can Resell Again And Again

Print Money With Ebooks

(Picking Up A Monthly Royalty)

There are two main ways to make money online.

You can sell someone else’s products, netting you a small commission (like this Amazon link).

Or, you can sell your own product. Personally, I do both. And a substantial amount of my monthly income comes from self-publishing eBooks. In fact, this week I’ll pick up royalty checks from both Amazon and Smashwords.

One of the best things about eBooks and digital products is that you only create them once.

After that, they’re up online and generating a nice monthly stream of passive income. It’s like owning dividend stocks, but without the high upfront investment.

It’s an easy way to earn anywhere from a few hundred, to a few thousand, dollars per month.

3. Build A Platform To Sell Your Products (How You Actually Print Money)

If you have a product, or are selling someone else’s, you’ll want to own your own website. This way you can post new content, notify customers of sales, and build up hype for any up coming products.

Also, owning a website just makes your Internet business look 100 times more professional.

Luckily, buying a site is surprisingly affordable. I use BlueHost for my web domains, and it costs less than $20 per month.

That’s a tiny investment, and one which is easily recouped after just one or two sales.

If you’re interested in starting your own business, developing additional income streams, and learning to “print money” from your web presence, I highly suggest investing in a BlueHost domain today.

There’s unlimited upside for how much you can earn off it.

Click Here To Create Your Own Website

P.S. Looking for more ideas to boost your income? Check out this article on how to make $10 a day in passive income.