How To HODL BitCoin Without Going Insane

How To HODL BitCoin

“BitCoin surges 20% in one week. The bulls are back in town!” “BitCoin crashes 5% overnight, it’s too volitale.” You probably hear statements like this constantly. It’s nerve-wracking and scary. Especially if you’re investing long-term. But this shouldn’t be the case. And in today’s article, I’ll show you a stress-free approach for anyone looking to HODL BitCoin.

This is a very easy way to “unplug” from all the confusion. And, it’s a powerful technique many stock market masters use to protect their sanity.

Let me explain.

What Does It Mean To HODL BitCoin?

HODL Meaning

(Credit To Investopedia)

HODL is an acronym standing for Hold On for Dear Life. It’s also an investment strategy. One where you buy BitCoin with the intent of keeping it long-term.

Many of these investors got started when BitCoin sold cheaply, then held onto their Crypto for years. Watching it rise from a couple bucks a piece to thousands of dollars in value. Unlike traders, who capitalize off short-term profits, HODL investors plan on keeping their Coins for lengthy periods of time. Often years or even decades.

Understand The Concept Of “Mr. Market”

Because HODL is all about long-term investing, you really don’t have to worry about short-term fluctuations. If BitCoin goes up 10% in a day, or down 2% it really doesn’t matter.

Daily changes don’t affect your strategy.

This might sound like codswallop, but it’s true. In fact, this is the exact technique Warren Buffett uses for his long-term investments. And it’s something his mentor, Benjamin Graham, advocated heavily.

According to Graham, long-term investors need to imagine the market as a person. This individual has good days and bad days, but their overall quality of life continues to improve. To summarize his theory nicely: Your life isn’t over because your car got a flat tire or your sports team lost. Life goes on, and things do get better.

Likewise, economies aren’t ruined by a single, short-term setback.

Pick A Price You’re Comfortable With And Dive In

BitCoin is in a slump.

Last year it continually rocketed towards the moon. But now it’s wallowing around between the $7,000 – $8,000 range.

I think this is a great time to invest.

If you purchase a reasonable amount of Crypto, you’re limiting your risk while opening yourself to major upsides. When BitCoin makes it’s resurgence, you’ll see considerable gains. And, if the market stagnates (always possible) you aren’t out too much. Especially at Crypto’s current prices.

At the moment, BitCoin is very reasonably priced, and a smart HODL investor can get started for $100 or less.

That’s a pretty small risk, just 27 cents per day, to jump into this exciting opportunity.

Additionally, when you invest $100 through CoinBase, the largest Crypto exchange in the world, you’ll receive an additional $10 in free BitCoin. That’s an instant 10% return on investment.

Crypto’s short-term slump makes it a great investment opportunity for long-term holding. If you want to HODL BitCoin, this is a great time for doing so.

Buy it, forget it, and let your investments grow in peace.

P.S. I highly recommend new investors use this CoinBase referral link. As mentioned earlier, you’ll get a free $10 in BitCoin after your first $100 deposit.