2019 Plan Of Attack

2019 Plan Of Attack

New year, new strategy for getting rich. In 2018, I was swing trading BitCoin in hopes of building up a six-figure income. It worked well, until it didn’t. Nevertheless, it was a great learning experience (and turned a small profit). If you followed along, you made money. Because of this, I’m sharing my 2019 plan of attack.

These are investment and income goals for the New Year.


[Side note: I’m not an expert or financial expert and these are my personal investment goals. Please read for entertainment purposes only.]

1. Make More Money (Here’s How)

There are only two ways to increase your investable income. You can cut back on expenses, or you can make more money.

Saving is important, but I’m focusing on earning more in 2019.

One way to do this is through teaching English on Cambly. This is a cool app that’s like Uber for education. They pay $10.20 per hour, making it a great little side-gig.

Teach for one hour a day all month, and you’ve got an extra $306 to invest. Not bad! Especially if you’re just starting out.

If you’re interested in Cambly, click here to learn more.

Another system for making more money in 2019 is through passive income. Mainly, eBooks and blogging.

I have two sites I’m working on, and there’s a good chance they’ll bring in over $16,000 this year. A nice chunk of change that’ll really help with investing.

If you’re interested in building your own digital empire, sign up for web hosting through BlueHost. They offer top-notch service and you get a free domain.

It’s a great investment with excellent returns.

2. Keep Dollar Cost Averaging

This is the simplest, most effective investment strategy around.

By investing the same amount of money each month, you minimize loses and protect yourself from volatility.

My 2019 plan of attack is centered around this.

Buy more high dividend yield ETFs each month, then reinvest the profits. Simple, but I’m on track to making $4,000 a year in passive income this way.

Talk about easy money!

3. Invest $25,000 Into A Bond ETF

This is my final goal of the year.

Purchasing $20,000 in BND shares is a key point in my 2019 plan of attack.


Because it’s a safe, boring, and reliable form of passive income.

With a 2.6% annual dividend yield, this investment nets an extra $650. Plus, it’s far less volatile than the general stock market.

I’ve recommended bond funds several times in the past. If you’re interested in them, check out the Robinhood App. It let’s you buy and sell stocks, bonds, and options instantly. And, best of all, there are no commissions or trading fees.

Use this referral link and get a free stock when you sign up.

Final Thoughts On The 2019 Plan Of Attack

2018 was the first year I got serious about investing. And thanks to hard work and some good luck, I managed to build up a five-figure portfolio in less than eight months.

Now, in 2019, it’s time to double down.

Creating new income streams, reinvesting profits, and buying low-risk assets are all main objectives in this year’s quest for financial freedom.

P.S. I’m still hoping for a Crypto comeback and investing a small amount into BitCoin each month. If you what to do the same, check out CoinBase.

You’ll get $10 in free BitCoin when you join through this link.