2019 Financial Reading List

2019 Financial Reading List

They say knowledge is power. And nowhere is that more true than in the world of investing. One good book can can drastically improve your wealth. With that in mind, here’s a complete 2019 financial reading list.

You’ll find a variety of title certain to help you become a better, more successful investor.


1. The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing

The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing

This is the best beginner’s guide to building wealth.

The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing teaches you a “market beating strategy” which out-preforms most hedge funds. Best of all this technique is incredibly simple: dollar cost average your money into an ETF or index fund.

This is a stable, time-tested system for building wealth.

2. CryptoAssets

Cryptoassets - Best BitCoin Books

An in-depth look at BitCoin and digital currencies.

Written in an informative manner, CryptoAssets strips away the hype and focuses soley on providing a clear look at what BitCoin actually is. This is a title which demystifies Crypto Currencies, providing an objective look at the topic.

Don’t buy a single Crypto Coin until you’ve read this book.

3. Meditations (By Marcus Aurelius)

Meditations Financial Reading List

Have you ever lost $3,000 in a single day? Or watched your $250 investment quadruple in value during the course of a month?

Anyone who has experienced these things knows that it’s hard to stay level headed. And many would-be investors actually sabotage themselves by getting caught up in emotions.

Meditations teaches you how to control yourself and stay strong, no matter the situation.

4. Options As A Strategic Investment

Options As A Strategic Investment

Options are high risk / high reward. If you know what you’re doing, you can make a lot of money.

The book Options As A Strategic Investment teaches you how to put yourself in “can’t lose” situations. These minimize your risk, while offering massive returns.

If you’re willing to “seeing for the fences,” this is a great guide on rapidly growing your wealth.

5. Bond Investing For Dummies

Bond Investing For Dummies

Investing doesn’t have to be risky. In fact, there’s a whole asset class that’s almost as good as having guaranteed returns.

The bond market is a traditionally stable area for multiplying your money. It’s not as exciting or high risk as buying options or day trading, but it’s a million times safer.

Read Bond Investing For Dummies if you’re looking for a nice low risk place to park your money. It’ll teach you all the best strategies for finding safe fixed income assets offering consistent returns.

Or, open a high yield 2.25% interest CIT savings account if you’re particularly risk adverse.

2019 Financial Reading List Final Thoughts

Many top investors credit their success to staying well informed. They’re always reading or studying new techniques to keep up with the market.

With this 2019 financial reading list, you’re learning all the crucial information you need to start and succeed in investing.

Read each book, implement what you learn, and you’re sure to see results.

P.S. If you’re new to investing and looking for the best financial tools for building wealth, check out the Recommended Resources page. On it, you’ll find everything you need to get started.